How to Hatch Eggs in Pokemon Go without Walking

Getting Pokemon eggs is not enough because the real struggle starts with hatching. You need to walk several kilometers just to hatch one egg, and this is not feasible and possible for every Pokemon Go player.

For many players walking for the game is a headache. If you walk at 4 km/h, you will need 2.5 hours to hatch the 10km egg. It usually takes several days to complete this insane target. Thus, players look for methods and tricks to hatch the eggs without walking.

In this article, we will discuss how to hatch eggs in Pokemon Go without walking. We will share some useful tricks and methods to make the gameplay easier and more enjoyable.

All The Ways to Hatch Eggs in Pokemon Go without Walking

Way 1. Pokemon Go Egg Hatcher App (MocPOGO)

This is the best method if you are searching for how to hatch eggs in Pokemon Go without walking. It will help you hatch all your eggs without even walking. While lying on your bed, you can complete multiple kilometers without any hassle.

MocPOGO is a location spoofer that can change the GPS location of your Android or iOS quickly. With that being said, you can select any region and experience rare Pokemon and other special things in the game.

Most importantly, you can use the two-spot and multi-spot modes in which you can select the desired route, and the software will move the GPS location on the route automatically. It looks like you are walking on the route. You can customize speed, route loops, and other options. The best thing about MocPOGO is the cooldown timer. With this timer, you can spoof location in the limit, so your account will be safe.

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Let’s see how to hatch eggs in Pokemon Go without walking by using MocPOGO.

Step 1 Download the latest version of MocPOGO from the website and install it on your computer. Launch the app. Click on the Start button to continue.

mocpogo main interface

Step 2 Connect your iPhone or Android to the computer. Select the type of device you connected.

select devcie os mocpogo

Step 3 Now, you will see the map on the screen with your current location. Click on the two-spot mode and select the points on the map. Click Go.

two spot mode mocpogo

Step 4 You will have a new window. Select the route and loop settings. Click Go to spoof the location. Now, the software imitates natural movement on the map. You can also adjust the speed.

customize speed two spot mode mocpogo

Way 2: Purchase More Incubators with Pokecoins

For hatching eggs, you need incubators in Pokemon Go. It is a no-brainer that the more incubators you have, the more eggs you can hatch simultaneously.

Fortunately, you can buy an incubator from the Pokemon Go shop. It costs 150 Pokecoins, and you can use one incubator for hatching three eggs only. There is no infinite incubator except the one you got by default.

Although incubators can help you hatch multiple eggs simultaneously, you still need to walk. For automatic movement, you can use MocPOGO. There are also other tricks and hacks in this article to speed up walking again.

purchase more incubators

Way 3: Use a Drone

Drone owners can take extra advantage of their drone and use it for hatching Pokemon Go eggs.

Just place the smartphone on the drone, and start moving it. When your drone covers distance, the GPS location of the smartphone mounted on it changes. Therefore, it can be used to complete the distance. But keep in mind that you need to do it carefully.

Way 4: Bumper-to-Bumper Traffic

In bumper-to-bumper traffic, the speed of the vehicles is low and similar to a person walking on the road. So, if you are stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, this is the right time to open Pokemon Go.

When your car moves slowly, Pokemon Go thinks you are walking. So, you can complete your target with this method.

Way 5: Use A Turntable

You can use a turntable to complete the walking distance for egg hatching. It is a very simple method to complete the required distance without walking.

Just secure your phone on the turntable using tape. Then, turn on the turntable. Your phone will move along the record, and this circular motion will complete the distance targets in Pokemon Go.

Make sure to place the phone on the edge to maximize the diameter. Keep your phone on the turntable as long as you want and enjoy the music.

Way 6: Ride Your Bike or Skateboard

While riding your bike or skateboard, you can hatch Pokemon Go eggs. It is a nice hack to complete the distance target with little effort.

Just fix your phone on the bike using a phone holder. If you are on a skateboard, put the device in your pocket or secure it on the skateboard using tape.

Now, ride your bike or skateboard like you normally do. But do not go over 10 km/h. Pokemon Go is smart enough, and it detects higher speeds, it will not consider it as walking. Although it will count the distance, the gain will be lesser. So, keep your bike and skateboards slower than 10 km/h for maximum gains.

Way 7: Use A Roomba

Ever thought your robot room cleaner could help you in hatching Pokemon Go eggs? Yes, it is possible. While cleaning your house, the robot cleaner can help in completing the distance required to hatch eggs.

Place your smartphone on Roomba and start it. It will clean your house and move here and there. The change in the GPS location will show Pokemon Go that you are walking. It is a great hack for Pokemon Go players. They can easily hatch eggs, but keep in mind that your Roomba needs to be charged.

Way 8: Put Your Phone on A Model Railroad

If you have a toy model railroad or something like that, you can use it for hatching eggs. Fix your device on the train and start it. It will move on the railroad, and the Pokemon Go app will detect the movement. It will count the distance in the game.

Way 9: Maximize the Issue of GPS Drift

GPS drift is the difference between your actual location and the location of the GPS receiver. Sometimes, your GPS can’t track an accurate location, and it usually happens when the internet connection is poor.

You can take advantage of this GPS drift. Start Pokemon Go and leave it on a table in the sleep mode. At this stage, the GPS might have recorded a location, which might be a bit different from the actual location. After some time, take your device and check Pokemon Go. It will not update a new location, so the difference between those locations will be counted in the distance traveled.

Rules about Hatching Eggs in Pokemon Go

Walking is a must to hatch eggs. There are five types of eggs in Pokemon Go that require different walking distances to be covered.

  • Green Spots Egg requires a 2-kilometer walk
  • Orange Spots Egg requires a 5-kilometer walk
  • Yellow Egg with Pink Spots requires a 7-kilometer walk
  • Purple Spots Egg requires a 10-kilometer walk
  • Red Spots Egg requires a 12-kilometer walk

Pokemon Go offers you only one infinite-use incubator, which is present in your account from the start. You can use it as many times as you want. But the other incubators you buy or get for free are limited. You can only hatch three eggs in them, so make everything worth it. Choose the egg that requires considerable distance as it has more potential to offer rare Pokemon.

Now, you know how to hatch eggs in Pokemon Go without walking. You can use the tricks and hack as many eggs as you like.

Also Know: Do Eggs Hatch While the App Is Closed?

The Pokemon Go app tracks your movement when the app is opened. It means if you have walked several kilometers with the app closed, nothing will be recorded. You need to keep the app open whenever you want.

However, you can turn on Adventure Sync, which will keep track of your walking even if the app is closed. It is an excellent feature that helps you hatch eggs without worrying about whether the app is opened or not.

Final Words

Hatching eggs in Pokemon Go is undoubtedly a hassle. You need to walk several kilometers to hatch the eggs. However, after checking out how to hatch eggs in Pokemon Go without walking and multiple tricks, you can hatch eggs easily. The best method is using a location spoofer. You can use MocPOGO. It will not only help you in hatching eggs but also allow you to play the game in any region or country. It makes the game more enjoyable.

Home > Change Location > How to Hatch Eggs in Pokemon Go without Walking
Tim Felton is a dedicated writer who specializes in gaming problems and improving the gaming experience, and has provided over 10,000 users with the right solutions.

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