How to Get Candy in Pokémon Go? 7 Quick and Easy Ways for You!

If you’re an avid Pokémon Go player, you know the importance of collecting candy to evolve and power up your Pokémon. But how to get candy in Pokémon Go effectively? We’ve got 7 quick and easy ways for you to master.

How to Get Candy in Pokémon Go

Candy is the in-game currency crucial for powering up and evolving your Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Accumulating enough candy can be a daunting task, especially if you’re after those rare Pokémon. If you’ve been scratching your head wondering how to get Pokémon candy effectively, you’re in the right place. Read on to discover quick and practical methods to boost your candy count and take your gameplay to the next level.

1: Catch Pokémon

The most straightforward and reliable method for gathering candy is by catching Pokémon. Typically, you get 3 candies for every Pokémon you catch. To maximize your candy collection, you can utilize various in-game tools like lures and incense to attract more Pokémon to your location. Pay attention to events that feature specific Pokémon, as these usually offer increased candy rewards.

2: Use Pinap Berries in Battle

Equipping a Pinap Berry before you catch a Pokémon can be a game-changer. Using a Pinap Berry will double the number of candies you receive upon a successful catch, turning the usual 3 candies into 6. This method is especially useful when you’re trying to accumulate candies for rare or powerful Pokémon.

3: Feed Berries to Pokémon at Gyms

When you feed berries to Pokémon stationed at a gym, you have a small chance of earning a candy of that Pokémon’s type. While the probability is low, it’s an effortless way to accumulate candy, especially if you’re passing by gyms frequently. Feeding berries at gyms also helps in maintaining the motivation level of your Pokémon, making it a win-win situation.

4: Walk with Your Buddy

Walking with your Pokémon as your buddy is another effective way to earn candy. The distance required for each candy varies from one Pokémon species to another, ranging from 1 km to 5 km. You can accumulate a maximum of 40 km worth of candy per day by walking with your buddy. Don’t forget to keep the app open or use Adventure Sync to record your steps!

5: Transform Pokémon to the Professor

If you have extra Pokémon that you don’t need, you can transfer them to Professor Willow for a single candy of that Pokémon’s type. This is an excellent way to declutter your Pokémon storage while adding to your candy reserves.

6: Trade Pokémon

Trading Pokémon with friends can also yield candy. The number of candies you receive depends on the distance between the locations where the two traded Pokémon were caught. The further apart these locations are, the more candies you can earn, with the maximum being 3 candies per trade. This makes trading a strategic option for candy collection.

7: Hatch Eggs

Hatching eggs is another lucrative way to earn candy. When an egg hatches, you’ll receive a Pokémon along with a varying amount of candy and Stardust. The amount of candy depends on the type of egg—2 km, 5 km, 7 km, or 10 km—with higher distance eggs generally yielding more candy. Hatching eggs can provide you with anywhere from 5 to 30 candies, making it one of the most rewarding methods for how to get Pokémon candy.

8: Participate in Raids

Taking part in raids not only gives you the chance to catch powerful Pokémon but also to earn rare candy. Rare candy is a special type of candy that can be used as a substitute for any Pokémon candy type. After successfully completing a raid, you’ll be rewarded with various items, which often include rare candies. This gives you the flexibility to allocate those candies to any Pokémon you choose.

How to Get More Candy in Pokémon Go with Spoofing

Looking for how to get more Pokémon candy swiftly and effortlessly? Let’s explore the benefits of using MocPOGO, a tool that alters GPS coordinates and simulates movement without necessitating jailbreak or root access. This ingenious tool features an auto-walk function and an auto cooldown feature, optimizing your candy accumulation. However, it’s important to note that using spoofing tools can breach Pokémon Go’s terms of service, potentially leading to account penalties.

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Here are two effective strategies for maximizing candy through spoofing:

Teleport Mode for Candy Boost:

Utilize the Teleport Mode in MocPOGO to instantly transport to distant locations. While there, engage in catching Pokémon and consider trading with local friends for additional candies due to the extended distance. Furthermore, teleporting to well-known areas can enable you to participate in raids and gather even more candies. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to employ the Teleport Mode effectively:

Step 1 Open MocPOGO and select Teleport Mode.

how to get candy in pokemon go

Step 2 Enter the desired location coordinates or select a popular spot from the map.

enter location mocpogo

Step 3 Engage the teleport feature and confirm your new location.

change location success mocpogo

Step 4 Start catching Pokémon, participating in raids, and making trades to accumulate candies.

Maximize Buddy Candy with Auto-Walk:

Leverage the auto-walk feature in MocPOGO to reach the maximum 40km distance with your buddy Pokémon. By utilizing the two-spot or multi-spot mode, you can map out a route for auto-walking, thereby boosting your candy collection. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1 Launch MocPOGO and access the auto-walk feature. Choose either the two-spot or multi-spot mode, depending on your preference.

two spot mode mocpogo

Step 2 Set the desired route by specifying waypoints on the map.

customize speed two spot mocpogo

Step 3 Initiate the auto-walk function and let it run to cover maximum distance and earn candy with your buddy.

How to Use Candy in Pokémon Go

In Pokémon Go, candy is a vital resource used primarily for evolving and powering up Pokémon. Each Pokémon species has its specific type of candy. For instance, Bulbasaur Candy is used to evolve or power up a Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, or Venusaur. To evolve a Pokémon, you’ll need a certain number of candies, which varies by species. Powering up requires both candy and Stardust and will increase the Pokémon’s CP (Combat Power). Rare candy is an exception as it can be converted into any type of Pokémon candy. To use candy, go to the individual Pokémon’s screen, where you’ll see the options to ‘Power Up’ or ‘Evolve,’ and the required amount of candy for each action.

pokemon go candy evolve


In summary, accumulating candy in Pokémon Go is crucial for evolving and powering up your Pokémon. Whether you’re catching Pokémon, using Pinap Berries, feeding berries at gyms, walking with your buddy, transferring Pokémon to the Professor, trading with friends, hatching eggs, or participating in raids, there are various legitimate ways to effectively gather candy. Mastering these methods is key to enhancing your gameplay and becoming a Pokémon Go pro. If you’ve been wondering how to get candy in Pokémon Go, this guide provides you with multiple approaches to boost your candy count successfully.

Home > Change Location > How to Get Candy in Pokémon Go? 7 Quick and Easy Ways for You!
Murphy holds a degree in computer science and has more than 10 years of experience working in the software and technology fields. She specializes in writing different types of scientific articles, both in English and Portuguese.